We are free, word of Ciccio Sultano
The interview of Francesca Tantillo with Ciccio Sultano is online on So Wine So Food. Asked when he decided to become a chef, Sultano specified his timeline: “At thirteen years old, I started working in a pastry shop. At seventeen, I understood what I really wanted to do and at twenty I chose». Then, about his comfort food, he mentions the: “Taratatà pasta, where the combination of bottarga mince and raw carrot triggered a souvenir of my childhood, rediscovering the flavour of white mulberries in the mouth. The union of those three elements recreates a certain floreal sensation, not easy to define». A quick back-and-forth that culminates in a cosmic question. In your opinion, in which direction is hospitality going?«Everyone chooses their own direction, finding the truth, the lie, the intelligence, the fireworks… We are free».
Ciccio Sultano
A practical mind