A Vedemecum on how to design a restaurant
As publicly announced on the day of the presentation of Gambero Rosso’s 2020 guide, the second Quaderno of Cantieri Sultano, titled Vademecum, will deal with how to design a restaurant and succeeding in conciliating quality and bills. Nothing to be described as academic or boring. Rather, a reflective text that always starts from the concrete situation, providing a point of view, fruit of personal experience. I wish that Vademecuum will be useful to guide those who are getting ready to open a dining place and dispel any doubts of those who have already taken this step. Vademecum will begin by offering right away two fundamental questions, often overlooked or misunderstood: the necessity of a business plan and the mistake, rather common, of giving priority to the aesthetic of the place. The Quaderno deals also with other important topics, among which: how to think about a recipe, how to select the staff, how to be in the kitchen, how to preside over the rooms… I thought Vademecum both as a way of carrying out an evaluation of my experience as a chef and entrepreneur and to provide a guide to follow daily for the management of a restaurant. I dedicate it to those who love food and would like to make it their job.
Ciccio Sultano
A practical mind